Wednesday 22 July 2015

The predicament

How strange it is, we as human beings are supposed to possess abilities that give us an edge over other organisms. We, for one, are gifted with the great ability to think and reason,something that others are deprived of and this invariably raises several questions in my head, such as the purpose of life! The reason we have certain abilities and qualities that other organisms don't is for a reason, a purpose and we are meant to fulfil the purpose. We all grow up believing in ourselves, in our abilities and act cautiously. We fall and we learn, we tread on cautiously, we are always having the urge for making the right choices. We question, we argue. We introspect and we eventually make a verdict, a settlement and believe we are doing the right thing and we seek happiness in the same and yet, my question is who decides what is right? We are the makers and the breakers of our destiny as they say. We decide and we comply. We act on our impulses and rationality and yet how far can we go with that? 
I am aware each individual has a different take on life, the ones who are practical would naturally feel that they are solely responsible for their own lives and the reins are in their hands, however I truly believe in something like destiny or God, an external force that plays a pivotal role in the shaping of our lives. I believe things happen for a reason and that it is not necessary we know the reasons always, it may be unfolded to us at some later stage. As children we do not have opinions of our own as we see life the way we are exposed to it by our parents, picking from our immediate surroundings, where then do we have a control over what we pick and what we make out of it? Our subconscious is the only constant companion, reasoning and morality follows later. Why, only childhood? Even as we grow up we come across certain circumstances where we have absolutely no control and feel extremely helpless. Sometimes we might have tried everything we could and yet we have nothing to ourselves except patience to hold on to while we wait for the denouement. Are we then really the best judge of our lives? 
I believe destiny and our own efforts go hand in hand, none working independently without the aid of the other. It is of course a matter of personal choice and belief but I have realized that one cannot entirely leave their life to destiny and be unanswerable for their own actions and at the same time one must not be arrogant enough to believe they are mighty having power over their lives and shunning destiny. We truly have the power to shape our lives and in the process shape our destinies, however what fateful end each of us is going to meet is something completely unknown.

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