Wednesday 22 July 2015


I've never believed in endings to end. Somehow the word appears as a strong,obdurate,immobile boulder to me. Every ending leaves behind something daunting- however big or small it may be! When a person dies,your relation doesn't come to an end. You always tend to keep them alive through memories because it is the innate human behaviour. When you end a relation with somebody,you don't cease to think about them whether consciously or sub-consciously.
Sometimes I feel life is very complex with emotions and attachments,the sole elements responsible for making life beautiful. So ironical! And I set off wondering if it is possible to lead a life with no ends-no thoughts of past dangling? Can you really do that? How cautious can you be with your emotions? Can you always use them sparingly for the right people? Then the whole idea of the perfect life with no regrets,no ends that appealed to me earlier,seems revolting now paradoxically. It is akin to taking care of a glass which may break at any moment. This reminds me of a previous experience where I wished to be a goldfish so that the past could not last. I envied the fish for it's memory and the ability to retain so little. I saw it as a route to escape some of the past experiences but then it does not eliminate selectively. As I plunged in deeper I realized that it is due to what I've had earlier that I am what I am today. It is a similar situation again- treating life as a glass,being cautious at every stage,I ask myself is it worth it? Is it worth going through all the pain inorder to save myself from pain? Someday the glass will break beacuse it has to. It is the way of life. 
Endings, thus will happen,giving way to new beginnings,but they will always leave you with something to hold on to - a thought,a question, a doubt, a hope, a feeling, a realization or memories.

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