Wednesday 22 July 2015


It is such a beautiful feeling, having something entirely to your own self, like the only strength against all odds. Is it possible though? There is always a thread connecting people and situations, creating associations and building relationships. The same thread over which nobody has a control. 
Origin is a creation of some phenomenon, it can never happen by itself like some miracle. Isn't it strange that before we are born, our destinies are decided, relations are already made? Then we just have to live with all of it, we are brought up with pre conceived notions until we grow up and decide whether we want to take it further or stop right there. Throughout your life you put up with destined relations, having little choice to choose, even the basis of the choices made are coloured....eventually there is nothing that is your own. However I think there is a thin line difference there. I think there is control that you can exert even if it is a wee bit,there are changes accompanied with growing up. Not only people but even situations change the way we perceive, the way we think. Of course everything is eventually associative and relative. 
Even while thinking about this I feel there are the never ending shades of grey that are perpetually existing, sometimes very subtly and sometimes hovering over. To reach the point of differentiation between the black and the white is a struggle within itself and then once you are there you feel was it worth it? Sometimes towards the end the shades of grey that you hated are the ones you perhaps get used to and decide to live with and sometimes you just feel the choice to have the blacks and whites a tough one in spite of the efforts to get there. 
Life is, nothing but strange, surprising me time and again. Many times I wish for a miraculous origin,detached from any strings and wonder how strange life would be then! Yet, when I think of some of the most beautiful memories I've been able to build through things that were destined, I wonder if I would have them again? Or if I would be me again with a miraculous origin, without any pre-conceived notions and associations! The possibilities seem limited but somehow I've realized that the thin line differentiating the two worlds doesn't exist profoundly and how can it even exist? For making choices and destiny go hand in hand. Bliss can be promising when perceived well. 
Sometimes it is a bane and sometimes a boon to live life as destined, though the option of making choices is always there,but I continue to search for that thin line of difference,no matter how thin it is.

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