Monday 17 August 2015

The grey manifested

The innumerable shades of grey are inescapable. I have long since accepted the ambiguities, yet the shades of grey persist to affect me. At times, it makes me feel crippled and helpless since I know there is no escape and in knowing I am letting it rule me, yet I know that the mind is the ultimate ruler and the numerous manipulations are sheer manifestations of the mind. Hence, acknowledging this fact, the power then resides within the self and yet it isn't as simple as it seems. 
Since time immemorial subjectivity has prevailed overruling  the objectivity and multiplying the shades of grey. There is no denying the fact that objectivity has limitations, giving way to subjective readings. Objectivity hence limits itself to a specific time frame while Subjectivity persists in the ephemeral. They call it values, systems, structures wherein resides subjectivity, giving way to ambivalence. There is no denying the limitations of Objectivity, yet very few can remain thoroughly objective. It is an affray against the convention, against the collectivism. Moreover it is a choice to not be trampled over by the operating forces. It is a choice to not beseech or concede to the prevailing norms and structures but a choice to supersede them. 
Ambivalence remains as it has but what one makes out of it is entirely up to oneself. There are those who choose to override it with a fortitude. There are others who are ignorant of it. There are yet others who make peace with it and then there are those who subjectively choose their objectives. As for me, I choose to live with the greys only in my escapades, where ambivalence is embraced with pleasure.